Saturday, January 5, 2008

What do Juno know?

I have a few aches and some soreness from my game of basketball with Jason and the nephew this evening. Jason is my long time high school friend and Darrel is the Compton Resident Assistant with a bright future ahead of him if he heeds my advice. Anyways, tonite I saw a new film with Brad, KT and Josiah aka 3/8th Irish. I was looking forward to seeing the movie because I knew that it would have a artsy feel , plus Michael Medved and Victoria Martinez gave it the nod.

The movie turned out to be pretty cool, kinda a mix between Napolean Dynomite and Garden State in its awkward coolness. I would describe the film in three words, "Quotable", "Charming", and "Awkward". I can't remember half the lines, but the language was 'licious'. The only line I can remember is "I don't even like Katrina, her whole house smells like soup!"

Anyways, if you have seen the film, I'd love to hear your take on it, and if you haven't....What is your problem!!??(Sike!)

1 comment:

J said...

Good movie for sure...but I think I might have to put up a few words of criticism on my blog... we'll see.